Haohan (Carrie) Zhang

My heart is in the work.

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Programming Languages

Tools & Technologies

Industry Knowledge


Music Tech


Highmark Inc.

YITU Technology

eBay Inc.

University of Waterloo

University of California, Irvine

Harvard Medical School

Working Experience

YITU Technology

eBay Engineering and Research Center Co., Ltd


Splunk Application for Medical Device Vulnerability Detection and Data Enrichment

AWS Based Data Intensive Elastic Distributed Cloud Server

QryEval: Text-Based Search Engine

Group Photo Collage: Distributed Transaction System

File Caching Distributed System and Remote File Operations System

Rotational Dropout – A domain Adaptation Method for CNN Architectures

Concurrent Caching Web Proxy

Malloc Lab: Dynamic Storage Allocator

Linux Shell for Job Control and I/O Redirection

Glutton: Full-Featured Web Application



De Novo Peptide Sequencing by Deep Learning


RegionAl: an Optimized Regional Classifier to Predict Mortality in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Patients.

A Deep Learning Approach to Handling Temporal Variation in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Progression

Developing a regional classifier to track patient needs in medical literature using spiral timelines on a geographical map