Virtualization, Auto-Scaling, RPC

Learning Notes of CMU Course 15-640 Distributed Systems (Midterm Review)

Posted by haohanz May 06, 2019 · Stay Hungry · Stay Foolish

Table of Contents


  • Reasons for success of virtualization
    • Scaling system: Ability to dynamically grow resources in cloud is hard
      • e.g. “software-defined storage” virtualizes storage components
      • e.g “software-defined networking” virtualizes network components
    • Change CAPEX -> OPEX: change from capital expense to operational expense
    • Flexible allocation of resources in cloud – “elasticity”
  • Why virtualization
    • Elasticity - CAPEX->OPEX
    • Resource & failure isolation -> monitor & limit resource usage, contain failure locally.
    • Mixed-OS environment
    • Security isolation -> fully control any resource access and possible actions of tenant
  • Virtualization interfaces
  • Legacy world have hardware interface, the waistline is narrow and stable
    • Narrow - freer innovation, vendor neutrality
    • Stable - longevity & ubiquity
  • Hardware virtualization (requirements, implementation ideas, implications)
    • Overview: fidelity, near exact
    • Thin waistline interface (see above), narrow and stable
    • Implementation
      • Create Virtualization layer, an extra level
      • of indirection, divide OS into multiple parts,
      • Originally, os controls hardware, software tightly coupled with hardware; with virtualization layer, os and hardware are decoupled
    • Goal: fully emulate architecture
    • Requirements
      • Portability
      • Encapsulation: (Mixed-OS) capture all vm state,
      • Isolation: resource, fault, performance, software isolation
      • Interposition:
        • Completely control access to all system resources
        • Transformations on instructions, CPU, I/O, Memory, Disks
    • Type 1:
      • Bare/Native metal, hypervisor, os, vm are separated
      • Live migration
      • Higher performance
    • Type 2:
      • Hosted: os > hypervisor > vm > software
      • Easy to install, Leverage host’s device drivers ○ VMware Workstation, Parallels
    • Can add significant overhead
      • Memory/Disk overhead (duplicate data)
      • I/O overhead
      • OS-startup overhead per VM
      • Hypervisor overhead
  • OS-level virtualization (requirements, implementation ideas, implications)
    • Wide interface (OS interface, syscalls)
      • Brittle abstraction, os-specific, hard to secure, maintain, deploy
    • Perception: VM have too much overhead, hard to scale up.
    • Idea:
      • Multiple isolated instances of programs (VM, programs are not isolated)
      • Running in user-space (shared kernel)
      • Instances see only resources (files, devices) assigned to their container
    • Requirements:
      • Same as VM: resource & failure isolation, encapsulation, portability
      • Diff from VM: no interposition - no hypervisor (VMM)
    • Problems:
      • Isolating which resources containers see
      • Isolating resource usage
      • Efficient per-container filesystems
    • Implementation
      • Resource view isolation (user can only see the container’s resource of himself.
        • Each process have a namespace. Container make direct syscall, security is depended on kernel.
      • Resource usage isolation - each container (have his group process) use counter- rate limit for CPU, I/O, or hard disk limit, OOM for shutting down
      • File system isolation - VM uses a virtual disk, Container don’t.
        • Use two layers, one RO, one RW (for each container, ephemeral)
    • Advantage
      • Fast boot time
      • High density
      • Small I/O overhead
      • Require no CPU support
    • Container
      • Implementation difficult, large waistline - overlayfs, namespace, cgroup
      • Less general
      • Hard to migrate
      • Unsecure: large surface, container have all syscall access!
  • Summary
    • VMs
      • Strengths: strong isolation guarantees, can run different Oss, VM migration practical
      • Weeknesses: OS startup, disk, memory, hypervisor overhead
    • Containers
      • Strengths: fast startup times, negligible I/O overheads, very high density
      • Weaknesses: weak security isolation

Caching Reivew

  • Lease -> \inf == call back
  • Lease -> 0 == check on use
  • At most once
    • Have sequence number
    • Have duplication
    • TCP simplifies this
    • Server compute at most once
    • Client send request multiple times
    • Have a final timeout
    • Most likely to have orphans
  • At least once
    • Resend, compute, resend, compute, ….,
    • Server side is stateless
    • No duplication
    • Don’t store the computed result.

Scaling Architectures

  • What is scalability, when do we need it
    • Ability to rapidly and easily grow the system, we need load scalability - add more concurrent users
  • Scale up vs scale out (comparison, implementation, performance)
    • Scala up: add resource to node
      • Easy, fast, easy to reach limit, no new failure model, latency concerns between nodes.
    • Scale out: add node
      • Rewrite, more failure model, latency concerns across node
    • Latency:
      • Load = arrive rate/service rate
  • Load = avg arrive rate / avg service rate
  • Avg request latency = load/((1−load)∗servic_rate)
  • Scale-out architectures, load balancers
    • JSQ: join shortest queue
      • stateful, hard to implement
      • Decide on the arrival time is insufficient, job may have different time to run
    • Power-of-two: random request two server
    • Central-queue LB:
      • Even better than scale up
  • What is a node, scalable web services
    • Node: thread, process, vm, physical, ram…
    • Reliability: less. Easy to fail, but non state, fs use duplicate.
  • Elastic Scaling
    • sources of latency, what happens under overload
      • Temporary overload
      • Persistent overload
    • options of dealing with overload
      • Live with high latency
      • Drop job
      • Scale out
    • sub-linear scaling intuition (no need to know square root formula)
    • scaling based on load signals and with cost-aware load balancers
    • challenges of o o othis approach, what is the right scaling signal


  • Motivation
  • Advantages / disadvantages, limitations
  • Failure independence
  • DS challenges (packet loss, unpredictable delays, failures,
  • Distinguishing server death from network failure/delay)
  • Synchronous model
  • Stubs, interfaces
  • Serialization
  • Reliable transport (timeouts, retransmission, duplicate elimination)
  • RPC semantics and how to apply them
  • Exactly-once (theoretical idea, why theoretical)
  • At-most-once (practical, implementation)
  • At-least-once (assumption)
  • Safety and liveness properties