Google File System

Learning Notes of CMU Course 15-640 Distributed Systems

Posted by haohanz May 08, 2019 · Stay Hungry · Stay Foolish

Table of Contents

GFS’s Focus

  • Fault tolerance
  • Scalability (focus on throughput and sacrifice response time/latency for individual reads/writes)
  • Low synchronization overhead between entities of GFS
    • no caching
    • Allow inconsistency on append, no synchronization overhead between clients
  • Decoupling control and data for throughput and scalability

GFS’s Assumptions

  • Files are large, chunk size = 64MB
  • Streaming read and write (read once, write once)
  • Atomicity for appends (Want atomicity for appends without synchronization overhead among clients)

Master-Slave Pattern

  • Role of master:
    • Garbage collection
    • Metadata
    • Mitigates chunks between servers for fault tolerance
    • Delegate consistency management
  • Role of chunk server:
    • Know nothing besides itself
    • Send heartbeats to server
    • Handle client request
    • No caching!
  • Role of client:
    • No caching!
      • Reduce consistency overhead, more easy
      • Assume streaming read and write, no benefit for caching
    • Directly issue data flow with chunk server
      • Reduce master server bottleneck, exploits parallelism.
    • Control flow with master server

Chunk Size

  • Why 64MB chunk size?
    • Cons:
      • GFS overhead per chunk
    • Pros:
      • Reduce server bottleneck - reduce metadata
      • Reduce communication - reduce server workload - scalability
      • Assume large file
      • If with smaller chunk size, stream reading would be less easier, more communication required
  • 3 replicas, 2 in same rack, 1 in different
    • Access time and safety tradeoff

Client Operations

  • Append:
    • Atomicity ensured, would not overwrite each other
    • At least once
    • Why append?
      • Clients don’t overwrite, append more often
      • Higher performance for writing lots of small data instead of large chunks, e.g. log data, CPU info…
  • Read:
    • Read the closest
  • Write:
    • Write to all
    • Data passing - daisy chain
    • Order are the same
    • Client request decide the offset
  • Delete:
    • File rename to hidden
    • Scan in background to delete metadata in RAM and delete chunk in chunk server

Fault Tolerance

  • Chunk server fault tolerance
    • Missing heart beat
    • Decrement count of chunks
    • Replicate in background
  • The chunk-server fault tolerance mechanism - lease and version number
    • Master grant lease to chunk primary (only during modification operation!)
    • The lease would be revoked if file is being renamed or deleted!
    • The lease would be updated each time assigning a new one
    • The lease would be refreshed every 60 second if modification is not finished
  • Why Lease/version number?
    • Network partition
    • Primary failed
    • Revoke lease when expire or rename/delete file
    • Detect outdated chunk server with version number, consider the server with failed (shut down during lease renewal).
  • Master fault tolerance
    • WAL
    • Master-slave replica
    • Only reply when log are safe
    • Logs cannot be too long, bottleneck on replication. Log replay cost recovery time. RAM limit?
    • Build periodical checkpoints
    • Recovery steps
      • Metedata recovery
      • File-to-chunkID recovery
      • Chunk-server - chunkID-to-chunk-server recovery
        • Has older version number - stale, down the chunk server during recovery
        • Has newer version number - accept it.

GFS Consistency Model

  • Failure makes inconsistence for append
  • Change to namespace is consistent
    • WAL, master-slave replica, single master

GFS’s Limitations

  • Data corruption - application-level checksum
  • Master biggest bottleneck to scaling
    • Take long time to rebuild/recovery metedata
    • Performance and availability
    • Solution: Multiple server
  • Not so secure, users can interfere
  • Chunk size cannot be smaller
  • Read-once and write-once
  • No caching