Feature Based Retrieval - Machine Learning in Search Engine

Learning Notes of CMU Course 11-642 Search Engine

Posted by haohanz April 27, 2019 · Stay Hungry · Stay Foolish

Table of Contents

A brief introduction to machine learning

  • Two topic we focus:
    • What are examples and labels?
    • How are examples encoded as feature vectors?

Learning to Rank

LeToR overview
  • Features we use: Pieces of evidences
    • BM25 & Indro for (d, q) for different fields
    • VSM (q, d)
    • PageRank(d)
    • Length_URL(d)
    • Difficulty(q)
    • Coordination Match (number of query terms that match doc d)
    • Spam score
    • Query term density (how query terms are separated, are they dense)
    • Time on site
    • Page per session (of a website that client view)
    • Bounce rate (how often people leave instantly)
    • Website security (https>http)
  • In our task, score is not important, but the rank of document
  • We are predicting lables
  • Efficiency problem - it’s expensive! ○ First 10 features has most importance, adding more doesn’t help so much
  • LeToR don’t find docs, it just rerank it.
  • P11 Effectiveness & efficiency trade off!
LeToR framework
  • Y vector size = m = number of docs per query
  • H(x) = score/label
  • N = query numbers of training data
  • More complicated the retrieval labels, the easier the learning problem for ML.
3 approaches to LeToR
  • Similarity:
    • Model is always predicting score
    • All models are all using a feature vector x of (d, q)
  • Difference:
    • How they train the data (what they produce is the same)
    • Diff type of training data
Pointwise approach
  • Data: individual documents
  • Model: (label can be category or score) SVM or LR
  • Approaches:
    • Cranfield evaluation data to train a model
    • Given a new query q:
      • Ran a ranker to get init documents(BM25)
      • For each (d, q), get vec x, get label h(x)
      • Rerank docs
  • Pros: easy to implement
  • Drawback: less accurate
    • Firstly, predict categories is more difficult than predicting scores
      • Categories are ordinal, but most algorithm ignore that
      • Different types of error should have different costs
      • (To solve this, we use regression (0,1,2) -> (0, 1, 9)
    • Secondly, predict score is difficult
      • Try to predict the number, even scores are arbitrary, only ranking matters, but regression model is focusing on the score instead of ordering!
      • Scores are unimportant, but in regression, if change the scores, the model is totally different.
    • Also, focus on one document makes learned model fragile = wrong goal, wrong kind of error.
    • (To solve this, we use pairwise!)
Pairwise approaches
  • $H(x_1 - x_2) \gt 0$
  • Change into normal classification/regression tasks
  • Cons:
    • The ranking position is ignored! (as Pointwise!)
    • The noise can make a fuss! One doc is making a lot of training samples!
    • The distribution of R and NR docs might cause unbalance of training data - sample to make balance
Listwise approaches
  • Procs: consider position in ranking
  • Training to optimize NDCG/MAP on a ranking, goal is to maximize them, directly aligned the model with ranking target


Datasets with Features
  • Which is relevant which is not relevant to query q
  • How is IDF calculated - query irrelevant
Feature and Influences Summary
  • SiteRank, Url click count, url dwell time
Experiment results for 3 methods
  • RankSVM is similar to ListNet
  • RankSVM and RankBoost are the best
  • Pairwise is more used today, but eventually would be beated by Listwise