Authority Metrics: PageRank, TSPR and HITS

Learning Notes of CMU Course 11-642 Search Engine

Posted by haohanz May 02, 2019 · Stay Hungry · Stay Foolish

Table of Contents


Why authority metrics

  • To decide which website to trust more,
  • to give some content-irrelevant metrics.


Properties for PageRank

  • Usually for journals or papers for citation analysis
  • Query independent, cause mistakes
  • The computation itself makes it easy to manipulate
    • Pages farms or page exchanges
    • The new page
    • The sink page
    • The links inside one page

How PR works

  • Random walk, voting procedure
    • Larger d, harder to converge!
    • Init: \begin{equation} PageRank(p_i) = \frac{1}{|C|} \end{equation}
    • Iteration: \begin{equation} PageRank(p_k)=\frac{1−d}{|C|} + d\sum_{p_j∈Inlinks(p_i)}\frac{PageRank(p_j)}{|OutLinks(p_j)|} \end{equation}


What is TSPR (Topic Sensitive PageRank)

  • TSPR for a topic of d: only teleportation over the same topic of d
  • The score of final: \begin{equation} TSPR_q (d)= \sum_{i∈I_q} w_i \times TSPR_i (d) \end{equation}


What is HITS (HyperLink included Topic Search)

  • Only include a top n’s result’s expansion of inLink and outLink
  • For each iteration, init all = 1
    \begin{equation} H(p_k )= \sum_{p_j \in OutLink(p_k)} A(p_j ) \end{equation} \begin{equation} A(p_k )= \sum_{p_j \in InLink(p_k )} H(p_j ) \end{equation}
  • Normalize after each iteration

Properties of HITS

  • Pros
    • The base set has a strong query specific focus
    • Very efficient (set is small)
    • Score calculated at query time!
  • Cons
    • It’s easier to make spam page than it is for PR
      • It’s easy to create a page with high Hub score
    • Its run-time cost is higher than PR
  • Applications
    • Find a community
    • Find expert within a community