Failure Resiliency

Learning Notes of CMU Course 15-640 Distributed Systems

Posted by haohanz May 20, 2019 · Stay Hungry · Stay Foolish


  • Def: failure: have components the meet the specified behavior (deviation from specified behavior)
  • Def: Specified Behavior: corner case. Especially in many subtle interactions.
  • What can fail? Hardware and environment (earthquake).

Layering model of resiliency

  • Code and data modularity bounds impact of failure, a failure just detected might happened many layers bellow.
  • E.g.: Firefox/TCP/IP
    • The application doesn’t know the failure on IP’s package missing, cause TCP retransmitted package - failure masking
  • E.g.: Bad block remapping
    • OS/Driver -> Controller -> Disk
  • E.g.: Coda File System
    • Emacs -> Venus -> Server
    • If Failure happens on server, the emacs would just wait longer to get a response but knows nothing

Limits of Failure Masking

  • Not all failures can be masked
    • Sometimes limited by fundamentals
    • Often limited by “cost” - cost is too high (overhead, include usability)
      • physical limits, cache too small
      • TCP time out, impatient user
      • Length of error-correcting code, number of errors can be detected > number of errors can be corrected
      • Storage overhead of storing # of server replicas
      • Update overhead limits # of server replicas
  • Unmasked failures are visible to next higher layer
    • Which might have own resiliency mechanism
    • Hierarchical layers of resiliency may exist
    • Upper layer mechanisms typically
      • More heavy
      • Involve greater semantic knowledges
      • Affect more system components
    • E.g.: Coda resiliency mechanisms, user->Adobe Acrobat->Venus->RPC2->UDP socket

Failure Detection

  • Category of failures
    • Transient - soft failures / Heisenbugs
      • E.g. deadlocks - can be corrected by undoing and retrying
      • Unlikely combination of circumstances
      • ROC - recovery-oriented computing
    • Persistent
      • E.g. broken Ethernet cable
      • Retry code does not help
      • Failure happens until repaired
      • Duration of failures and repair are random variables
      • Variables: Means of distributions are MTBF and MTTR
        • MTBF - mean time between failures (mean in service times)
        • MTTR - mean time to repair (mean failure times)
      • If the failure lies in software, then the independence assumption of distributed system does not work! One entities fail would cost another’s (all) entities to fail.

Empirical Failure Data

  • Jim Gray - Turing Winner, related DB
    • Tandem was a high availability OLTP system
    • Only un maskable failures listed
    • Some failures likely underreported
    • Human is the major source of failure, “operator” failures could be “usability” failures
  • Oppenheimer Study
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