Diversity: MMR, xQuAD and PM2

Learning Notes of CMU Course 11-642 Search Engine

Posted by haohanz May 22, 2019 · Stay Hungry · Stay Foolish

Table of Contents


  • Documents are not always independent
  • The query has different intents (most short queries)
  • There can be multiple tasks for the same interpretation
  • User intents are usually not clear
  • Find a balance between robustness and relevance
  • The traditional IR tend to find textual similarity between doc and query, which tend to lead to a query focus mainly on the most probable intent, which only good for some users. The target is to maximize the expected SAT in each position.

Diversity Metrics

  • : Only R or NR, ignore the diversity of ranking
  • : \begin{equation} P−IA@k= \sum_{q_i} \Pr(q_i│q) P@k_{q_i} \end{equation} Tend to give higher priority to documents that satisfy multiple intents
  • Alpha-NDCG: \begin{equation} NDCG@k=Z_k \sum_{i=1}^k G@k \times D@k \end{equation}
    • , same as before
    • , original gain
    • , intent aware gain
    • Relevance of $d_k$ to $q_i$
    • , the intent redundancy of $d_k$
    • , the discount for covering an intent already

Implicit Methods

  • Maximum Marginal Relevance (MMR)
  • Similarity not symmetric
    • Use VSM, calculate “anything to anything” similarity
    • KLD: anything to anything, but not symmetric
    • Use Jensen-Shannon Divergence - anything to anything \begin{equation} JS(x||y) = \frac{1}{2} KL(x||M) + \frac{1}{2} KL(y||M) \end{equation} Where \begin{equation} M=\frac{x+y}{2} \end{equation}
  • LeToR for divergence
    • Approach: fit LeToR model directly to optimize a diversity measure metric, use diversification based training data
    • Fail reason:
      • There’s no diversification features
      • There’s nothing about doc-to-doc similarity
      • There’s nothing about sub-intents
      • => relevance based features cannot produce a diverse ranking
      • The training data confuses the training model
  • Relational-LeToR
    • Use both relevance and relationship features
    • Use similarity, supervised model of MMR
    • Features for similarity
      • Has links pointing to each other
      • URL: from same website or not
      • Text similarity - KLD
      • Topic similarity - topic cosine between docs’ topic distribution in topic model
      • Category similarity - overlap of docs’ categories in a predefined ontology
    • Diff with MMR:
      • MMR: each position is independent of previous ones
      • Relational-LeToR: the positions are not independent
    • Same with MMR:
      • Greedy: docs are picked from top to bottom sequentially.
      • Relational - ListMLE: \begin{equation} \Pr(d_i│S_i, w) = \frac {exp(w_r x_i + w_d y_i) } {\sum_{x_j∈S_i} exp⁡(w_r x_j+w_d y_j)} \end{equation} \begin{equation} L(R│w)= − \prod \Pr(d_i |w) \end{equation}
    • Diff with ListMLE:
      • Has a weight for diversity and feature y for diversity added
      • Cannot calclulate the h(x) all of a time then re rank, has to build while rank, because the y diversity features are built on the previous ranked docs.
    • Performance is the best
    • Each feature could be either min or max or avg
  • Implicit Methods Pros and Cons
    • Don’t favor any intent, all intents treated equally
    • Don’t need prior knowledge

Explicit Methods

  • Query intent discovery
    • Use search log to get intent, others are trick and open provlems
    • Intent
      • Ambiguous
      • Faceted - related interpretations of a query
    • Suggested queries - higher precision
    • Related queries - higher recall
  • xQuAD (Equations)
    • Key idea: (Same as MRR, but the formula has different symbols)
      • To reduce the redundancy as much as possible
      • To cover the intent as much as possible
    • Features:
      • The docs cover more intents are tend to be preferred. (Just like MMR, just like $P-IA@k$)
      • The intents are treated equally (Just like MMR)
      • The final rank prefer the mediocre docs that covers more documents, then prefer the top relevant document, documents that doesn’t rank high and doesn’t cover a lot of intents would not be promoted.
      • One query has 7-10 intents, thus time complexity is high
    • Equation: \begin{equation} d^∗ = arg⁡\max_{d \in R/S}⁡(1−\lambda) \Pr(d│q) + \lambda \Pr(d, \bar{S}|q) \end{equation} \begin{equation} \Pr(d, \bar{S}│q) = \sum_{q_i \in Q} [\Pr(q_i│q) \Pr(d│q_i) \prod_{d_j \in S} (1 − \Pr (d_j|q_i))] \end{equation}
    • Why suggest queries are more effective than related queries
      • The cons of xQuAD: the intents are treated equally, thus when there’s a high recall algorithm that provided original rank, the discovering query intetns would find many rare or unpopular intents, which users doesn’t need.
  • PM2
    • Key Idea: The number of documents for each subtopic should be proportional to each subtopic’s popularity
    • Greedy
      • At each rank r, select the query intent $q_i$ that must be covered next to maintain proportional coverage of intents in the ranking
      • Select a document that covers the $q_i$, and might also cover other query intents.
    • The update process
      • Get doc that has the max \begin{equation} \lambda qt[i^∗] \Pr(d_i│q_{i^∗}) + (1 − \lambda) \Pr(d_{j\ others} | q_{j\ others}) \end{equation}
      • Update the rank after each iteration \begin{equation} s_i += \frac {\Pr(d^∗│q)} {\sum_{q_j \in Q} \Pr(d^∗ |q_j) } \end{equation}


Contrast: xQuAD vs PM2:
  • $\lambda$ is on the weight of new intent to cover
  • xQuAD wouldn’t care about the none mediocro and none covered a lot docs
  • Both use uniform weight
Implicit vs Explicit Diversification Algorithms
  • Explicit is more effective than MMR (better metric), but having the query intent resource is difficult, the suggestions might not suit your task
  • R-LeToR works the best for supervision