Neural Ranking: DSMM, DRMM, K-NRM, Conv-KNRM

Learning Notes of CMU Course 11-642 Search Engine

Posted by haohanz May 22, 2019 · Stay Hungry · Stay Foolish
Why Apply Deep Learning in Search Engine?

More features, more complex combination of weight and features, less hand-crafted features and functions.

Table of Contents


  • Representation: solve query vocabulary mismatch, represent text in concept based space
  • Loss: \begin{equation} L(*) = −\log\prod{\Pr(D^+|Q)} \end{equation} Where \begin{equation} \Pr(D│Q) = \frac{exp⁡(\lambda R(Q, D))} { \sum_{D^′ \in D} exp⁡(\lambda R(Q,D^′) } \end{equation}
  • Use 500k term -> 30k trigram hashing vector
    • Robust to the out of vocabulary problem
    • Low collision rate: 22 out of 500k terms
  • The hashed representation captures the orthographic (continuous term representation) similarity
    • Spelling
    • Hyphenation
    • Misspell
    • Case
    • But not conceptual similarity
  • After projection, use cosine similarity between the 128 len query qtf representation and document tf representation.
  • How training data are selected:
    • Use query log, The relevant are clicked, non-relevant are sampled from top N
    • Use pairwise training
      • Can’t use pointwise/listwise due to accuracy
    • Minimize lose function: only consider the positive samples
    • Different from our target:
      • If there are many pairs, it tend to give higher score to clicked documents.
  • Drawbacks:
    • Better than BM25, this is not surprising, supervised > unsupervised
    • Just re-rank top 15 documents, not robust
    • No idf or document length considered, only tf considered. Perhaps not needed to re-rank the top 15 from a stronger ranker, perhaps not needed to re-rank titles.


Continuous Representation - Both DSMM, DRMM (word2vec), Why DRMM
  • Previous continuous representation models ignore the “exact match” strong signal.
Key idea of DRMM & Steps
  • Firstly use Word2Vec to present different source of terms: query terms separated with document terms.
  • Structure:
    • -> Embedding layer
    • -> Pyramid pooling (Binning)
    • -> Feed forward matching to learn the interaction between $(q_i, d_i)$
    • -> term gating using idf
    • -> sum scores of all the terms (linear combination) \begin{equation} g_i =\frac{ exp⁡(w \cdot idf(q_i)) } { \sum_{j=1}^n exp⁡(w \cdot idf(q_j)) }
      \end{equation} where i is the index for $q_i$ in a query q.
  • Training:
    • Pairwise training with hinge loss, minimize it \begin{equation} L(q, d^+, d^−)= \max⁡(0, 1−s(q, d^+ )+s(q, d^−)) \end{equation}
  • Evaluation:
    • Better than rankSVM
    • Should be compared to query expansion? Because used word2vec which input a lot of texts
What’s the similarity and difference for DRMM and old retrieval models?
  • Same:
    • Use tf, idf, log(tf)
    • Can tell (represent) exact match of query term and document term
    • Use bag-of-words model
    • Summation of scores for each query term
  • Diff:
    • Use “bin” value for matches of different quality
    • Exact and soft match of query terms and document terms are all represented by continuous representations (word2vec)
    • It learns how to combine evidences (non-linear) during the feed forward matching phase. Non-linear combination of match values of different quality (through feed forward matching after pyramid pooling)
    • Get interaction patterns for matching using e.g. CNN, hierarchical patterns.


  • More convenient for DRMM - use end-to-end training to train all parts of the model - use a layer to replace the pyramid pooling layer, which is not differentiable.
  • Use search log data - more than TREC and more noises.
  • Use as much part as the DRMM
What’s same with DRMM?
  • Text representation of query and docs
What’s different with DRMM?
  • Softly count soft-match term frequencies (kernel pooling instead of pyramid pooling)
  • Embeddings tuned for ad-hoc search - need more training data.
  • Consistent training (end-to-end)
  • No idf consider like DRMM (no need for the only top 15 docs from a strong engine result)
  • Stronger soft-match features (more noise tolerable)
  • A simpler model with exact-match features - one exact match score for a (q, d) pair.
Architecture of K-NRM:
  • -> Embedding layer
  • -> translation layer $(M_{n \times m})$ matrix
  • -> kernel pooling
    • each bin has a kernel that center at the bin’s center, 11 bins->11 kernels
    • Each $q_i$ term has a soft-tf score per bin, which is the sum of the kernel on all thet docs that are in this range.
    • Thus each $q_i$ has 11 scores after the kernel pooling. Just the same as DRMM’s pyramid pooling output
    • Log sum each 11 length vector for all the query terms, finally get 1×11 output. (k=11), there’s only one feature for each kernel
      • Why log sum? Panelize the query terms with few matches.
  • -> Feed Forward Matching (1 layer NN) (pairwise training)
  • -> Final score
Training of K-NRM
  • Exactly the same with DRMM
Performance of K-NRM:
  • Conv-KNRM > K-NRM > DRMM > RankSVM > DSMM
Why K-NRM is better? The source of effectiveness?
  • Embeddings trained end-to-end for ad-hoc search
    • The tuning of word embeddings makes a lot of pairs changed (58%)
    • Word2Vec make it has conceptual similarities for pairs
    • The Words are de-couples e.g. cats vs dogs
    • The rare words are punished by the log summation
    • The soft match patterns are discovered: (pdf, reader)
    • The matching strength are changed.
  • Kernel pooling is more effective than other pooling: combine matches in a score range.


  • To support n-gram matching between different lengths.
The source of effectiveness for Conv-KNRM:
  • (N-grams)
    • A CNN to form n-grams
    • Fewer parameters to train than discrete n-grams
  • (Cross-matching n-grams of different lengths)
    • Another use of soft matching

Representation Based vs. Interactive Based Model

  • Similarity
    • Identify local matches between two pieces of text - cosine similarity of term vectors
    • Use continuous representation of text (embedding)
  • Difference
    • Interactive: Learn interaction patterns for matching
      • Often hierarchical patterns
      • E.g. CNN
    • Interactive: Time complexity is high, each term has to compare with each document term, usually used for re-ranking
    • Interactive: consider both positive and negative examples using hinge lost of pairwise training data, but representative (DSMM) only use the positive ones, the goal of which is different from our target.
    • Interactive: Integration of exact-match and soft-match signals,
      • Older systems only have discrete (IR) or continuous(DSMM), not both.
      • The combination is effective and robust
    • The trained data is required more in interactive based models, the static embeddings need little data.